Many students choose to attend college after high school graduation. Many see it as a direct path towards the career of their dreams. However, most students don’t realize that several things can derail this dream. Being accused of cheating, plagiarism, collaboration,...
Focused 100% On Education Law Matters
Month: March 2019
Can I get in trouble for posting a professor’s materials online? A defense attorney for students answers.
You took a course and thought posting your professor’s notes, labs, PowerPoints, or other assignments online could help other students. Suddenly, you receive an email from the academic integrity office. You are accused of violating the intellectual property rights of...
What happens if your college finds out you were arrested? The answer from a defense attorney for students.
You were having fun over break or during the summer and things got out of hand. You ended up getting arrested. What will happen if your university finds out? The answer from a defense attorney for college students. Will my college find out that I was arrested? If you...
Caught with THC or vape pen at school? Tips from student defense attorney.
What can you do if you or your child is caught vaping or with THC at school? Read on for defense tips from an attorney for students. Can I be searched at school if they think I have drugs? Conducting a search of a student’s backpack or belongings requires a lower...
Can you appeal a suspension from playing sports? The answer from a student defense lawyer.
Unsportsmanlike behavior, cheating, drug use, and more can cause students to be suspended or banned from participating in sport. These suspensions can happen from both school sponsored and private sports activities. Can you appeal a suspension from playing sports?...
What questions will I be asked at a school expulsion hearing?
For K-12 expulsion information, click here.You worked hard to get acceptance to your university. So, facing a suspension or expulsion from school is scary. Will loans start asking for repayment? Where will you live if you were in a dorm? Will another college accept...