Last updated December 16, 2024 Possession of THC or a vape pen at school refers to a student being found with substances or devices that contain or are intended to use tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component of cannabis, within school premises. This...
Focused 100% On Education Law Matters
Accused of cheating on an online exam? Tips from a student defense attorney.
Online classes are becoming more popular. Not only are there colleges and universities where a student can earn their complete degree online, but many traditional brick and mortar schools also offer individual courses online. Other courses will sometimes include an...
Accused of cheating after using a group chat or discussion board to study? Tips from a defense lawyer for students.
Study groups have always been a popular way for students in college to study and learn materials. With technology, students are no longer limited to having to meet up in the library in order to study and share ideas. Group texting, discussion boards, and...
Can your college degree be rescinded, or can you be expelled from school if you lied on a college application? An attorney answers.
With the recent college admissions misconduct, many students and alumni have a similar question. If they lied on their college application, will if affect them? If I lied on my college application, can I be expelled from school? Yes. Although it may not be an...
Can a university charge you with an honor code violation after graduating? The answer from a defense attorney for students.
It has been reported in the news that colleges are investigating students for lying on college applications after they have graduated. Colleges are also investigating reports of cheating in courses after a student has graduated. Can a college take away your degree...
Top Four Sanctions for Academic Integrity and Honor Code Violations in College
If a student in college is found responsible for an academic integrity violation or code of conduct violation, they will be given a sanction. What is a sanction? A sanction is a punishment. The hearing panel a student faces will decide what sanction is appropriate for...
Caught with a JUUL at school? Drug possession defense tips from a student defense attorney.
I think I was improperly searched in school. Can a school just search me if they want? Schools can search a student’s backpack or belongings with a lower standard than if they were outside of school. Schools use the threshold of “reasonable suspicion.” Schools can...
When does a college student need a lawyer?
Many students choose to attend college after high school graduation. Many see it as a direct path towards the career of their dreams. However, most students don’t realize that several things can derail this dream. Being accused of cheating, plagiarism, collaboration,...
Can I get in trouble for posting a professor’s materials online? A defense attorney for students answers.
You took a course and thought posting your professor’s notes, labs, PowerPoints, or other assignments online could help other students. Suddenly, you receive an email from the academic integrity office. You are accused of violating the intellectual property...
What happens if your college finds out you were arrested? The answer from a defense attorney for students.
You were having fun over break or during the summer and things got out of hand. You ended up getting arrested. What will happen if your university finds out? The answer from a defense attorney for college students. Will my college find out that I was arrested? If you...