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Can you appeal a suspension from playing sports? The answer from a student defense lawyer.

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Unsportsmanlike behavior, cheating, drug use, and more can cause students to be suspended or banned from participating in sport. These suspensions can happen from both school sponsored and private sports activities. Can you appeal a suspension from playing sports? Read on for the answer from a student defense attorney.

Can I appeal a ban from playing sports?

Yes. Most sports like football, basketball, lacrosse, chess, golf and all others offer an appeal of a suspension or ban.

What types of sport suspension/ ban reasons can be appealed?

If you meet the appeal criteria set forth by the organization, any reason can be argued in a reinstatement appeal.

What types of arguments should be made in the appeal to reinstate a player?

Here are a few recommendations:

  • Your arguments may focus on if the criteria for a suspension or ban was met according to the organization’s rules.
  • Look at the evidence the organization is using to suspend or ban the player; does it make sense or seem complete?
  • If you admit to a mistake, what will you do to avoid making the same mistake if your player status is reinstated.

Can you help me write my sports reinstatement appeal?

Yes. As an appellate attorney for students, I possess specialized skills that not all attorneys have. I spot for issues and facts and make arguments that fit the limited appeal categories. Writing a winning sports reinstatement appeal takes an attorney with extensive experience.

Can you help all students that need to write a sports suspension appeal?

Yes. I work with students all over the country who are facing a suspension or ban from playing sports.

Call today for a free consultation. (855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is an award-winning attorney who helps students suspended or banned from participating in sports. Call today for help reinstating your player status. Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard on AVVO, an attorney review website.

