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Can I get in trouble for posting a professor’s materials online? A defense attorney for students answers.

On Behalf of | Mar 19, 2019

You took a course and thought posting your professor’s notes, labs, PowerPoints, or other assignments online could help other students. Suddenly, you receive an email from the academic integrity office. You are accused of violating the intellectual property rights of the university and professor. What should you do? Read on for tips from a disciplinary defense attorney for students.

Can I get in trouble for posting a professor’s materials online?

Yes. Many universities have a section in the student code of conduct regarding university and professor intellectual property rights. A professor may also address this in their course syllabus. The university and professor are saying that you cannot repost or share any of the materials obtained from taking the course. This also includes passing paper copies to other people, not just online.

How can my university or professor tell it was me who posted the course materials?

How they find out depends, but chances are they will. Students may report other peers who have offered to sell their materials or may hear or see someone studying from past semester materials. This tip leads to an investigation by the university.

If I change the course materials and sell them, is it still an academic integrity violation?

Yes. If the materials were originally given out by a professor, even if you change them, this still could be considered a violation of the academic code. Even if selling or sharing class materials is not specifically mentioned, it may fall under a broader academic violation category.

What happens if I am caught sharing a professor’s class materials?

The disciplinary sanction depends on your school. You will have an opportunity to defend yourself against the charges and must prepare the best defense to avoid the most severe sanctions. The academic integrity process should be outlined in your student handbook.

What can happen if I am found responsible for sharing my college course labs, notes, and other materials?

You may be given a sanction by your university. Sanctions can range from a warning up to expulsion from school.

Can you help me defend against the academic integrity charge?

Yes. I assist students throughout the United States defend academic integrity charges. Using nearly twenty years of legal experience combined with a specialized knowledge of the academic integrity process, I assist students to gain winning outcomes.

Call today for help defending your academic integrity violation. 855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is an award-winning student defense lawyer who offers college student defense advising services throughout the United States. He is experienced in defending all types of college disciplinary issues. Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard Asselta on AVVO, a lawyer review website.

