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What Is The Process For Appealing Discipline in Broward County Public Schools? A Lawyer Answers.


Broward County Public Schools, located in South Florida, is the 6th largest school district in the United States. In addition to being one of the largest school districts in America, it is also among those unique school districts that allow parents to appeal the decision of almost any disciplinary action taken against their children.

Can I appeal any discipline my child faces from a Broward County School?

Yes – Broward County school district allows parents to appeal virtually every disciplinary action taken against their child, including things such as detention or in-school suspension. This is extremely important, especially if a student has been given a suspension. The reason is that when a student applies to college, it is usually asked on an application whether the student has ever been suspended or expelled. Broward Schools allows parents to challenge things like suspensions, even ones less than 10 days whether in-school or out-of-school suspensions.

How do I appeal discipline from a Broward County Public School? 

This is a time sensitive process:

1.First, a written statement must be presented to the principal within five school days of the last notification/communication regarding the discipline consequence or incident. There are very specific requirements of what the appeal must contain and the principal or administrator with the most knowledge of the incident then has five school days to respond in writing.

2. If the problem has not been resolved, the parent can then request in writing an appointment with the regional or associate superintendent of the respective regional office of the school. Again, there are specific requirements that must be met when requesting this meeting and a meeting will then be scheduled.

3. If after the meeting with the Regional or Associate Superintendent the problem has still not been resolved, the parent can then take the matter to the Superintendent’s office and another meeting will be scheduled.

Can I hire you to help with appealing the discipline from Broward County Schools?

Yes – Throughout this entire process the parents are allowed to have legal representation. A knowledgeable school discipline lawyer can write and submit the appeals, attend all meetings, and make arguments as to why the discipline implemented was improper or overly harsh.

Should I appeal any discipline my student faces from a Broward County School?

Yes – Broward County Schools is one of the few school districts to have this process and I highly recommend parents take advantage of it. I have helped many students and parents within the Broward School district and having a skilled and experienced advocate can make all the difference. I examine the documents and reports, scrutinize the disciplinary codes, and draft logical and persuasive arguments in the appeal.  

If you would like to discuss appealing discipline from a Broward County Public School, feel free to contact me.

Call today for a consultation. 

Richard Asselta is a defense lawyer for students facing disciplinary actions. Call today for a consultation. (754) 701-7014

