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Can your college degree be rescinded, or can you be expelled from school if you lied on a college application? An attorney answers.

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With the recent college admissions misconduct, many students and alumni have a similar question. If they lied on their college application, will if affect them?

If I lied on my college application, can I be expelled from school?

Yes. Although it may not be an automatic expulsion. A student who is suspected of lying on their college application will face a code of conduct violation. The school will notify the student that they are charged with a code of conduct violation and what specific charge they will have to defend. Once the student receives this notice, they will have to defend themselves in a committee hearing. The consequence if found responsible for the violation can range from a letter of reprimand, up to expulsion from the university. The sanction will be determined by the committee.

I already graduated and received a notice from the university that they believe I lied on my college application. Can my university rescind my degree?

Colleges can investigate alumni and charge them with honor code and academic integrity violations. Alumni face the same process that current students face. If an alumnus is found responsible for lying on their college application, the sanctions can range up to degree revocation.

I did not lie on my college application. How do I defend myself?

The process that an alumni or student must face is different for each university. Generally speaking, there will be an investigation where information like documents and witness statements are collected, and then a committee hearing held. You must be well prepared to make the best presentation possible.

Can you help me build an honor code violation defense?

Yes. I help students all over the country build successful defenses to all types of code of conduct and academic integrity violations.

I defended myself in a code of conduct committee hearing and was found responsible, can you help me appeal?

Yes. I write student appeals utilizing my twenty years of experience as an appellate attorney. Writing an appeal of a sanction in college can be tricky because the university sets forth specific categories that students can argue. Having an attorney experienced in writing student appeals may give a student the winning edge.

Call today for a free consultation.855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is a disciplinary defense lawyer who fights for students facing Honor Code, academic integrity, and code of conduct violations in college.

