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Accused of helping students on an FSA or EOC test? Tips from a defense attorney for teachers.

Florida standardized tests like the FSA or EOC are most often proctored by teachers. What should a teacher do if they were accused of test administration misconduct? Read on for tips from a defense lawyer for teachers.

What are some types of test administration misconduct?

Some test administration problems include:

  • Students may claim that a teacher assisted them with test questions or gave them the test answers.
  • Students from the same testing room or students who are seated near each other have answers that are too similar.
  • The amount of wrong to right answer changes are abnormally high and similar to others in the same testing room.
  • Errors with following the test administration prompts. An example could be giving too much or too little testing time.

How will a teacher or school employee know if they are being investigated by the Florida Department of Education?

Teachers will receive a certified letter from the Florida Department of Education. This letter is typically called a letter of investigation.

Should a teacher respond to a letter of investigation?

Richard Asselta always recommends that teachers not directly respond to the letter of investigation. If documents, a statement, or other information is sent by the person accused, it could be used against the educator and considered an admission by the accused.

Call A Defense Attorney For Teachers Immediately

A lawyer is necessary for district and DOE investigations. Remember that any statements or submissions by an accused teacher or staff member is considered an admission. But, if it is sent by a lawyer, they are not. Therefore, if more information comes out during an investigation, the defense can change.

Can you help all Florida teachers accused of test administration misconduct?

Yes. Mr. Asselta works with school employees all over Florida. He has experience working with all school districts and the Florida Department of Education to successfully defend teachers and school staff facing discipline against their certificate.

Protect Your Certification And Career

Click to read a post of FSA and EOC administration tips to protect teachers from accusations of misconduct here.

Click here to read about the firm’s teacher defense practice area.

Click here to read about defense of school administrators.

Richard Asselta defends school administration and teachers against accusations of misconduct and discipline at both the school, district, and state level. Call today for a free: 754-701-7014.

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