Focused 100% On Education Law Matters

Legal Support For Appealing Academic And Misconduct Rulings

College and graduate students regularly face committee hearings related to disciplinary matters and academic disputes. The outcome of these hearings can have a negative and far-reaching impact on a student’s educational opportunities and career trajectory. Therefore, it is critical to prepare a thorough defense and consult with an experienced attorney.

The reassuring news is that a negative ruling isn’t always the final word on the matter. Many decisions can be appealed and potentially reversed. When seeking an appeal anywhere in the United States, Asselta Law P.A. is the firm to call. The firm is exclusively focused on education law, and attorney Richard Asselta brings more than 20 years of experience and knowledge to each case.

Don’t Wait To Seek Help – Time Is Limited

You may have been accused of academic misconduct like cheating, plagiarism or violating the honor code. You may have been dismissed from the school for failing grades or missing critical deadlines. You may have even been dismissed over allegations of improper or criminal conduct like computer hacking, stalking/harassment or other offenses.

The good news is that students have a right to appeal rulings on these matters. It is important to have a knowledgeable attorney on your side to defend yourself. There are very strict and very short time periods in which to elect to defend yourself or appeal an adverse academic or disciplinary ruling. Contact education and school law adviser Richard Asselta immediately to preserve and protect your rights and reputation.

Tell Your Side Of The Story In A Free Initial Consultation

Asselta Law P.A. serves clients throughout Florida and the rest of the United States. Mr. Asselta is pleased to offer free consultations to prospective clients. To arrange yours, call the office at 855-338-5299 or email the firm today.