Tips For Responding To Academic Integrity Violations
What is considered an academic integrity violation?
Universities have different categories of academic integrity violations. The most common types include:
What should I do if accused of academic dishonesty?
Start saving documents related to the charge. Your syllabus, assignment or test details, witness statements, anything that will help you build a defense. Academic violations can take a while to get to a disciplinary hearing. The more time that lapses between the charge and your hearing can make compiling evidence in your favor difficult.
What can a defense attorney for students do to help?
The academic integrity process can be scary for students. There are typically several steps and deadlines that students must meet. Richard Asselta recommends involving a lawyer for students early in the process.
Do I need a lawyer for students to help in the academic integrity process?
Mr. Asselta has seen colleges charge students with academic integrity violations with little to no evidence. He has seen schools move forward with charges and find students guilty with nearly no proof they did anything wrong. A lawyer for students can help build a defense and minimize the impact of charges.
Can you help me defend an honor code violation?
Yes. Mr. Asselta assists students all over the United States defend against cheating, plagiarism, and other honor code violations. His expertise in the college disciplinary process gives each student the best chance for success.
Schedule A Free Consultation To Discuss Your Defense Options
Mr. Asselta is a student defense lawyer who fights for students facing academic integrity and honor code violations throughout the United States. Call toll-free at 855-338-5299 or email us to schedule a free consultation.