What should you do if your ACT score is flagged for irregularities? A defense lawyer for students answers.
What happens if I receive a letter that my ACT score is under review?
You have three options:
- Cancel your ACT score
- Retest and score within a few points of the ACT score in question to validate.
- Send documentation and appeal to establish validity of your ACT score.
What documents should I request from ACT if my score is under review?
Before you send anything, request documents from ACT that they may be relying on to claim your score is invalid. Some may include:
- Seating charts
- Testing booklets
- Answer sheets
- Proctor statements
What documents should I send to prove my ACT score is valid?
- Letters of character
- Proof of any preparation courses taken
- Study books used
- School transcripts
- Statement from tutor and study materials
- Practice tests and scores
- Test preparation study schedule
- And anything other documents that demonstrates the preparation you went through to earn your score.
What should I say in my written appeal to the ACT?
If the ACT believes your cheated, you must make clear and coherent arguments as to why you did not cheat or allow someone else to cheat off you. ACT could be relying upon wrong to right erasures or statistical similarities to another test taker in the room. You need to use the documents ACT provides to you and write how they support the fact that your score is valid. You can also watch my video on ACT and SAT score investigations here.
Can you help me write my rebuttal to the ACT?
Yes. Richard Asselta helps students all over the country write appeals establishing score validity on the ACT. Using his skills as an appellate attorney, he writes clear arguments setting forth the evidence that supports the score validity.
Call Today For Help With Your ACT Score Validation: 855-338-5299
Richard Asselta is a defense attorney for students. Using nearly 20 years of legal experience, he works with students all over the country facing ACT and SAT score validation. Call now for a free consultation. Click here to read client reviews of Richard on Avvo, a lawyer review website.