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Can I be disciplined for violating COVID safety rules at college? A lawyer for college students discusses.

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Some colleges have started the process of allowing students to return to campus for in-person learning. However, with that comes many new restrictions. One such restriction involves on-campus housing or university operated off-campus housing and the number of guests and gatherings students are allowed.

Many schools have instituted policies where a student is restricted from having a certain number of friends in their dorm room. This number can vary depending on the school. So far, many universities are taking a very no-nonsense approach with these new guidelines. Students found to have violated these rules can face harsh sanctions, including removal from campus housing or even expulsion from school. Some tips for students to consider in order to avoid being in that situation include:

Know the Rules

This sounds like simple advice but it’s true. Know what your school’s rules are regarding limitations on gatherings, the number of guests, etc. Remember, it is always the student’s responsibility to know the rules of the college and the disciplinary and honor codes. Saying you did not know is not a defense.

Alert Others That Your Room Is Already at Full Capacity

Many times, especially when living in the dorms, friends and other people on the floor routinely stop by others’ rooms. If they come in, and the room is already at capacity, you may wind up getting hit with a violation. Avoid the situation from the start. Put a sign or a whiteboard on the outside door letting people know that the room is already full. In times like these, you need to do what is necessary to protect yourself.

What can I do if I violated COVID safety rules and am facing disciplinary action?

You typically get an opportunity to defend yourself either at a student conduct hearing or in a written appeal. You must tell your side of the story to defend yourself against possible sanctions like removal from housing, or suspension or expulsion from school.

Can you help me defend my COVID safety violation at school?

Yes, I help students across the country defend themselves against disciplinary action in college.

Call today for help defending a COVID violation a school. 855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is a student defense lawyer who assists students facing COVID safety violations throughout the United States.

