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Can’t get a practicum or internship in school

On Behalf of

Students spend huge amounts of money on college tuition. This sum becomes greater if you attend graduate or doctoral programs. You enroll in a school program and are accepted with the promise of certain course offerings and an internship or practicum in the field. So what happens when your college cannot find you an internship or practicum placement?

What excuses do schools give about failed internship placements?

I have seen schools deny internships or practicums for several reasons:

  1. They ran out of internship sites – Schools have relationships with the businesses that students are placed at. So if the number of students exceed the number of available placements, then some students will not have a practicum placement for the semester. The school will typically respond with, “Oh well – better luck next semester.”
  2. Colleges may blame the student – If the program requires working in a medical facility or with children, there are additional requirements. Medical and child care facilities have their own required screening process and background check. Therefore, if you do not get clearance from the facility, then you cannot intern there. The college may blame the student and state that the student should have known their arrest or criminal charge would prohibit them from internships.
  3. Schools made the travel distance too far – I have had clients commute for hours to their practicum sites. This is completely unacceptable for a school to require of a student. Schools should have sites located near the school campus. If internship sites require long travel times, colleges must disclose this to student before enrollment.

What are my options if my school cannot find an internship or practicum placement?

I recommend the student begin with a well written demand letter from an education lawyer.

I have had great success in getting students what they deserve using a demand letter. The fees are cheap and many times get the student what they want quickly. This puts the student in the best position possible to continue within the current semester.Click here to read about our specific education practice areas. Richard Asselta is an award-winning education lawyer with offices in both Florida and New Jersey. He provides experienced representation to students in all types of college program issues. Call The Education Lawyers today for a free consultation. We will fight to protect your future. (855-338-5299

