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The New Anti-Cheating Tool? Why Professors Are Pushing Students to Use GoogleDocs



As artificial intelligence tools become more accessible, many students are using AI programs like ChatGPT to aid with assignments. In response, professors are beginning to look for ways to combat the growing concern of AI-generated work. One method that is gaining popularity is requiring students to complete assignments in GoogleDocs. But does this really solve the problem—or is it placing undue burdens on students?

Why GoogleDocs?

In a recent case I encountered, a professor made it mandatory for students to use GoogleDocs to complete and submit their assignments. The rationale? GoogleDocs tracks edits in real-time, making it easier to see how a student’s work evolves and whether external tools, such as AI, are being used.

How Does This Impact Students?

This new approach shifts the burden of proof. Instead of the professor needing to prove a student used AI to cheat, the student is now required to “prove” they didn’t. By forcing students to use GoogleDocs, professors can scrutinize every edit, revision, and change—creating an atmosphere of distrust, where students are treated as guilty until proven innocent. This approach not only challenges the fairness of academic integrity processes, but it also raises concerns about student privacy and autonomy.

The GoogleDocs Conundrum: Not Everyone’s Favorite Tool

Beyond the integrity concerns, this new requirement introduces another layer of difficulty: forcing students to use a word processing program they might not be familiar with or comfortable using. For many students, Microsoft Word and Apple’s Pages have been their go-to tools for years. GoogleDocs, while useful, may not offer the same functionality or user experience that these other platforms provide. By mandating GoogleDocs, professors are, in effect, limiting students’ ability to choose how they work.

Does GoogleDocs Really Prevent Cheating?

It’s important to question whether using GoogleDocs as an anti-cheating tool is really as effective as it sounds. While GoogleDocs does track revision history, determined students could still find ways to cheat, whether through careful manual changes or by manipulating edits over time. Requiring the use of GoogleDocs may create the illusion of control, but it may not be a foolproof solution to AI cheating.

How Does This Impact College Students?

While GoogleDocs may offer one method of tracking edits, it comes with its own set of complications. Placing the burden on students to prove they didn’t cheat, rather than on professors to demonstrate wrongdoing, only worsens the already unfair procedures students are often subjected to. For instance, if a student is unaware that they are required to use GoogleDocs, that alone could become the basis for an academic integrity accusation, further complicating their situation.

Don’t let cheating allegations ruin your academic career.

With over 25 years of experience and a track record of successfully defending students against accusations of cheating, I can provide the expert guidance and support you need to navigate this challenging situation.

Don’t wait. Contact my office today to schedule a consultation. Together, we can develop a tailored defense strategy and increase your chances of a positive outcome. Your academic future is worth fighting for.

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