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What happens when your ACT score is under investigation? A lawyer answers.

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By the time you receive the letter of investigation from the ACT, an internal investigation has already happened. A review of test scores can be triggered for many reasons. It could happen because of an outside report by another test taker or statistical analysis from inside ACT. Either way, if the internal investigation gives reason to think the score may be invalid, you will face a formal review process.

What happens during the ACT formal review process?

The letter a test taker receives will give them three options:

  1. Cancel your score
  2. Retest and score within a few points of the score in question to validate.
  3. Send documentation to establish validity of your score.

What happens if I cancel my score?

Any university that was sent the score will be notified that it has been cancelled. The ACT will close the review.

What happens if I decide to retest?

You will have to achieve a score close to the original to confirm and validate. If you do not, the ACT will cancel your score and notify any colleges that received it that it has been canceled.

What if I decide to send documentation to establish validity?

If you decide on this option, you will have to send information that proves you did not cheat or allow someone else to cheat off you.

You should request any documents the ACT is using to question the validity of your score. This may include:

  • Seating charts
  • Testing booklets (both yours and whoever else they believe cheated)
  • Answer sheets (both yours and whoever else they believe cheated)
  • Proctor statements

What other documents should you include with your ACT score validation appeal?

  • Letters of character
  • Proof of any preparation courses taken
  • Study books used
  • Your School Transcripts
  • Guidance counselor statement
  • Statement from tutor
  • Test preparation study schedule
  • And anything other documents that demonstrates the preparation you went through to earn your score.

What should I write about in my appeal to the ACT to establish validity?

The biggest challenge many students face is writing clear and logical arguments. Emotions often take over and the letter challenging the ACT becomes muddled. Make an outline and set forth your arguments using succinct language.

Some arguments to make may center around the following:

Many students are flagged because of irregularities and you must make clear and coherent arguments as to why you did not cheat or allow someone else to cheat off you. This could mean that their answers are like someone else in the testing room. I often see that erasures from wrong to right cause issues for students. This could be a result of a test preparation course or book that tells students to use the same response strategies.

You can also watch my video on ACT and SAT score investigations here.

Can you help me write my rebuttal to the ACT?

Yes. I help students all over the country write appeals establishing score validity on the ACT. Using my skills as an appellate attorney, I write clear arguments setting forth the evidence that supports the score validity.

Call today for help with your ACT score validation. (855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is a defense attorney for students. Using nearly 20 years of legal experience, he works with students all over the country facing ACT and SAT score validation. Call now for a free consultation.

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