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Why do college students need a defense lawyer? Top two reasons why.

On Behalf of

University students work hard for acceptance into school. They pick their major with the dream of the perfect career. However, accusations of cheating, plagiarism, and more can derail a college student’s goals. This is where a defense lawyer for college students can help.

False accusations of an academic integrity violation

Just because a professor believes that you broke the honor code, does not mean they are right. I have seen countless students falsely accused of cheating, plagiarism, or other violations.

Cheating allegations could include:

Looking at another student’s test Using your phone during the exam Bringing study materials into a test Working on an assignment with another student

Some Plagiarism Accusations could include:

Forgetting to cite sourcesYou and a friend turning in what seems to be similar workTurnitin shows a match to other uncited sources

Other Violations could include:

Drug Possession Violation of dorm rules Drinking alcohol on school grounds

Why should a student work with a lawyer to build their academic integrity defense?

Students who are unfamiliar with the honor code violation process may underestimate the preparation needed to prove their innocence. Just because you know you did nothing wrong, does not mean you will be found not responsible.Many students will have to appear before an academic integrity committee to present their case. The student must be prepared to question witnesses and answer question from the panel. Preparation is necessary in order to put forth the most clear and convincing evidence. Saying you didn’t do it just is not enough. This is where the expertise of an attorney familiar with the student disciplinary process comes in.As an attorney for students, I prepare statements, questions, evidence, and more to aide the student in presenting the best possible defense. My specialized knowledge of what the academic integrity committees considers, along with the rules the school must follow, gives students the best chance of success.

Can you help me defend against an academic integrity violation?

Yes. I help students all over the country defend against accusations of an honor code violation. Using nearly two decades of legal experience combined with a specialized knowledge of the student disciplinary process, I help students gain successful outcomes.I also attend hearings as an adviser to support students during the academic integrity board hearing process. This can be a stressful event for students accused of an academic violation. The presence of an adviser with my background supports the students to make the best possible presentation and keeps the academic panel hearing fair.

Call today for help defending your academic integrity charge. 855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is an award-winning student defense lawyer who offers college student defense advising services throughout the United States. He is experienced in defending all types of college disciplinary issues, including cheating by collaboration.Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard Asselta on AVVO, a lawyer review website.

