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Is it legal for a university to withhold a degree or transcripts from a student? The answer from a lawyer for students.

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You work hard, study, and get good grades. You apply for graduation and even walk in the ceremony. Then you request your official transcripts only to find out that they refuse your request, or that your degree has not been conferred. You call the college and find out that they are refusing to give you your transcripts or degree. Is it legal for a college to hold transcripts or a degree from a student? Read on for the answer from an attorney for students.

Can a school withhold a student’s transcripts?

No. A school cannot block a student from viewing their transcripts or educational records. Under FERPA, a school must comply with a student request within 45 days of a records request. However, viewing and inspecting is different than obtaining an official record. If you have an outstanding balance, a school can require payment prior to releasing your official transcripts.

Can a university withhold a degree conferral?

Yes. If you owe a balance, have not completed required paperwork, or have other requirements you have not finished, your school can place a hold on your degree.

What can I do to get the school to release my transcripts or degree?

Most schools will take a tough position with students. They will want the students to fulfill all of the requirements before they will discuss releasing records.

Can you help me fight to get my transcripts released or degree conferred?

Yes. I help students all over the country with transcript and degree issues. Utilizing my specialized knowledge of the academic process, I help students achieve positive results.

Call now for a free consultation and fight for your transcripts or diploma. 855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is an award-winning attorney who assists students with transcripts and degree issues. He also defends students facing Honor Code, academic integrity, and code of conduct violations.

Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard on Avvo, an attorney review website.

