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What happens if you are accused of cheating or plagiarism at UCLA? An attorney answers.

On Behalf of

University of California, Los Angeles is a public university located Los Angeles, California. UCLA has a strong academic reputation and students are expected to demonstrate excellence. This high-stake environment can pressure students into making poor decisions. Violating the academic integrity code is taken seriously. What should a UCLA student do if they are caught cheating, plagiarizing, or committing other violations of the academic code? Read on for the answer from a defense lawyer for students.

What is a violation of the UCLA Academic Integrity Code?

Some categories of academic dishonesty include:


  • Accessing materials during a test
  • Studying from past exams or finding out what is on a test from another student
  • Studying from past course materials
  • Having someone else take your quiz, exam, or complete an assignment


  • Changing data to support your research
  • Reporting results from research that was not actually conducted


  • Turning in work that was not your own
  • Not citing ideas or data
  • Using someone else’s data as your own

Multiple Submissions

  • Turning in the same work to two courses

Facilitating academic Dishonesty

  • Helping someone commit one of the previously mentioned violations

How will UCLA student know they violated the Academic Integrity Code?

The student will be informed from the Dean if they determine there is enough evidence to support that a violation of the academic code occurred. The student will receive notice of the alleged violation in writing.

What happens when a UCLA student meets with the Dean?

A student who is accused of a code of conduct violation will have the opportunity to meet with the Dean to work out the issue. In this meeting the student must be careful about discussing the details of the accusation. If a student waves their right to confidentiality, the Dean may share the discussion with the Student Conduct Committee.

The Dean will give the accused student the opportunity to review relevant documents and provide the students with copies of this evidence.

What happens after a UCLA student meets with the Dean?

The dean can decide to do one of three things:

  • Issue a letter of admonishment
  • Impose sanctions
  • Referral to the Student Conduct Committee

What happens at the UCLA Student Conduct Committee?

At a Student Conduct Committee hearing, the student will have an opportunity to defend themselves against the code of conduct violation. Student Conduct hearings can be challenging if a student is not well prepared. The student must be ready to present evidence, object to evidence, answer questions, and ask questions of witnesses. I assist students in preparation for conduct hearings and can say that the better a student is prepared, the better chance at a successful outcome.

Can you come with me to my UCLA Committee hearing?

Yes. UCLA allows the student to bring a support person to the hearing. The presence of an adviser keeps the hearing fair and gives the student the best chance at a successful outcome.

What types of sanctions can a UCLA student get if they are found guilty of violating the Code of Conduct?

  • Warning
  • Probation
  • Deferred Suspension
  • Suspension
  • Deferred Dismissal
  • Dismissal
  • Revocation of Degree

How do I appeal a UCLA disciplinary sanction?

The appeal procedure depends on the sanction that was given. The Student Code of Conduct outlines the appeal procedure for each disciplinary sanction. I also write disciplinary appeals for students as part of my adviser services.

Can you help me fight my academic dishonesty charge at UCLA?

Yes. I have students at the University of California and throughout the United States successfully defend accusations of academic dishonesty like cheating and plagiarism. My nearly two decades of legal experience combined with specialized academic integrity experience gives UCLA students the best chance at success.

Call now for a free consultation855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is an award-winning attorney who defends UCLA students facing academic integrity and code of conduct violations. Call today to avoid suspension, dismissal or expulsion from the University of California.

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