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Caught cheating or plagiarizing at Brown University? Advice from an attorney for students.

Brown University is a private school located in Providence, Rhode Island. With a 9% acceptance rate, competition among students is high. Once accepted, students may face the difficulties of adjusting to college life and the pressures of an Ivy League school. Mistakes happen, and false accusations can occur. So, what should a Brown student do if they are accused of violating the Academic Code? A lawyer for university students answers.

What is considered a violation of the Brown Academic Code?

Some Code violations include:

  • Misrepresentation – falsifying documents, papers, citations, records of internships or work, and applications.
  • Turning in another student’s work as your own.
  • Working together with another student or getting outside help when the professor did not say you could.
  • Submitting the same assignment to two different courses
  • Not citing properly
  • Not paraphrasing correctly
  • Using unauthorized materials during an exam
  • Cheating on an exam or quiz
  • Having someone else take your exam or quiz
  • Purposefully being absent for an exam to find out what was on it before taking it
  • Copying from another student during a test
  • Working with another student on a take-home assignment or test
  • Falsifying data in a lab, investigation, or experiment

How will a Brown student know they violated the Academic Code?

The Academic Code requires both Brown staff and students to report code violations. These reports are then sent to the Case Administrator. The Case Administrator decides the seriousness of the violation and whether a formal hearing before the Committee is warranted. After these initial steps are taken, the Case Administrator will contact the Brown student accused of the academic violation.The Case Administrator is tasked with informing the accused student of the specific charge of academic dishonesty. The student will also be told what penalties the Academic Code Committee may impose if the student is found responsible.

What happens at the Brown Committee formal hearing?

The student can argue against the academic dishonesty charge. They may present their own evidence, witnesses, question witnesses, and decline to answer any question asked of them. They do not allow an adviser inside of the hearing, but they do allow for students to get help preparing for it. This is where I come in. I have assisted countless students through the academic hearing process. My specialized knowledge of the student disciplinary process helps formulate winning strategies.My services include helping students draft emails regarding obtaining evidence, preparing personal statements, testimony, witness questions, and even prepare them for questioning by the Academic Code Committee.

What types of punishment can a Brown student receive if they are found responsible for breaking the Academic Code?

  • Reprimand – for a minor first offense, after a period of time with no other violations, the reprimand may be removed from the student’s folder.
  • Loss of credit for assignment – notation made on future institutional letter of support.
  • No credit for the entire course – immediate withdraw from the class along with a total withholding of letters of support or a discussion of the offense in the letter.
  • Suspension from the University – At least one semester suspension, transcript noted of Academic Code violation, and termination of Brown University privileges.
  • Dismissal – Must study or work away from Brown for at least a semester but the Code states it is typically an academic year or more. When a student is dismissed from Brown, they must reapply for admission.
  • Expulsion – This is a permanent removal from Brown with no option of readmission.

How do I appeal being found responsible or a harsh punishment by the Brown Committee?

You can appeal the Brown Academic Committee’s decision for limited reasons. This is typical of all universities. Brown allows a student to appeal for:

  • New information not available at the time of the hearing
  • Substantial procedural error on the Academic Code Committee’s part

These limited appeal categories show that the best chance at fighting an Honor Code violation is during Academic Code Committee hearing. Students are often unaware of what they will face in a hearing and are therefore unprepared. Don’t find yourself in that position. Call me today and I will assist you through it.

Can you help me fight my Academic Code violation or write my student appeal at Brown?

Yes. I have helped many students at Ivy League universities throughout the United States successfully defend accusations like cheating and plagiarism. Brown, like all Ivy League schools, fosters a very competitive environment where other students will not hesitate to inform faculty if they think another student was cheating. My nearly two decades of legal experience combined with specialized academic integrity experience gives Brown students the best chance at success.

Call now and protect your academic future. 855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is an award-winning attorney who defends Brown students facing Academic Integrity and code of conduct violations. Call today to avoid suspension, dismissal or expulsion from Brown University. Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard on AVVO, an attorney review website.

