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What happens if a student at Princeton University is accused of violating the Honor Code? A lawyer answers.

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Princeton University is a private school located in Princeton, New Jersey. Students from all over the world desire acceptance due to its reputation. All students face some stress when first going off to college. However, some students may feel even more pressure to succeed in the demanding environment. This pressure may lead some students to make bad decisions to get a good grade. Being accused of an Honor Code violation is serious. What should a Princeton student do if they are accused of an Honor Code violation? Read on for the answer from a lawyer for university students.

What actions violate the Princeton Honor Code?

Some of the following can be considered violations of the Honor Code:

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarizing
  • Collaborating
  • Self-plagiarizing
  • Using a cell phone during a test
  • Using a professor’s old exams to study from or using a friend’s old notes or lab reports to study
  • Buying or selling papers, lab reports, study guides, test banks or old exams

How will a Princeton student know they are facing an accusation of an Honor Code violation?

The university receives information of violations from witnesses. These witnesses include faculty, Teacher Assistants, and students who witnessed the student committing the violation or has direct knowledge of a violation. After receiving an allegation, investigators may meet with the accused student. This may be the first time a student is informed of a possible Honor Code violation. During this meeting, a student may have someone present with them. This meeting will be recorded, and facts of the violation discussed.

What happens at an Honor Code Committee hearing?

At the hearing, the student is given a chance to present their defense. This includes questioning witnesses, bringing their own witnesses, presenting defense documents, and addressing the Committee to make direct defense statements.I have advised students with addressing issues with the investigation, faulty witness statements and more. You must present all possible defenses depending on your case.

How do I appeal an Honor Code violation guilty verdict from the Committee?

You can appeal the Honor Codes decision to the Dean of the College within one week of the committee’s verdict. As typical of all universities, the appeal categories are limited to just a few issues. Princeton only allows appeals based on procedural issues or bias. These limited appeal categories demonstrate why a student’s best chance at fighting an Honor Code violation is at the committee level.

Can you help me fight my Honor Code charge at Princeton?

Yes. I have helped students at Princeton and other Ivy League universities successfully fight accusations of academic dishonesty. My specialized experience with the university Honor Code violation process gives students the best chance at success.Remember: Honor Code violation penalties are strict. A first violation receives a minimum one-year suspension from the University. Princeton has one of the more stringent Honor Code policies of any university. In addition, Princeton’s honor system is almost completely run by other students. This leads to faulty investigation as well as overzealous student investigations and prosecutions. You worked hard for admission to Princeton, fight back with all you can.

Call now for a free consultation and start building your Honor Code violation defense strategy. (855-338-5299

Richard Asselta is an award-winning attorney who defends Princeton students facing Honor Code and code of conduct violations. Call today to avoid suspension or expulsion from Princeton University.Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard on AVVO, an attorney review website.

