You have a friend that took the same class as you with the same professor a semester or two ago. They offer you their notes and tests to study from. You are thankful and use them as a study aid for a test like a midterm or final. When you walk in on test day, you notice the test looks familiar. It is the exact one you used to study from. You may choose to do one of two things: stay quiet or say something. What can happen if a professor finds out that you had an old exam from a previous semester? Read on for the answer from an attorney for students.
I used a past midterm or final to study and the professor didn’t change the exam. Can I get in trouble?
To cut to the point, yes. Some universities view using old course material from previous semesters an academic integrity violation. Even students who self-report can find themselves in trouble.
Can my professor find out that I used an old exam to study from?
Possibly. I think it depends on what the class average is for the exam. If you score much higher than other students, your test may be called into question for possible cheating.
If I tell the professor that I studied an old exam will that keep me from being charged with academic cheating?
Maybe. Some professors appreciate honesty and may find another way for you to demonstrate understanding of class material. However, I have helped students in the past with this exact situation who were still accused of an academic integrity violation after self-reporting. Even if you used an online study guide to help test yourself and then find the questions are the same on the exam, you could be accused of cheating. Many situations like this happen innocently and the student is still charged with cheating.
What happens if a student is accused of cheating in a college course?
The academic cheating process depends on your university. Each school has a process to deal with accusations of cheating. This process should be outline in the student handbook under academic integrity. You will find a step by step guide along with timeframes.The academic integrity process can be tricky and formulating a solid defense takes skill. To secure the best chance at a successful outcome, you should hire an experienced attorney for academic integrity violations like cheating quickly.
What can an attorney who is experienced with defending students accused of cheating do to help?
Experience is the key to a successful defense. Students often have no experience with the academic integrity process until they are accused of a violation. Working with students from universities all over the country has given me experience in the most successful defense strategies.Not only do I know what helps a student win an integrity charge, I assist hands-on in all aspects of the process. I ghost write emails for evidence, hearing requests, witness lists and questions. There is a collaborative process to the academic hearing with formulating opening and closing statements along with questions for the student to ask both their witnesses and the witnesses the school calls to support their case. Click here to read about what happens at an academic integrity hearing. Click here to read why you need a lawyer for college students to help in the academic integrity process.
Can you help all college students?
Yes. I support studentsall over the United States facing academic integrity violations like cheating. An experienced academic integrity lawyer increases a student’s chance of a successful outcome.
Protect your education and future career.
Richard Asselta is an award-winning attorney for students. He is experienced in defending students against academic integrity violations like cheating, plagiarism and more. Call today and start building your academic integrity defense. (855) 338- 5299 Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard on AVVO, a lawyer review website.