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Accused of an academic violation like cheating or plagiarism at FGCU? Defense tips from a lawyer for students.

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Florida Gulf Coast University is located on the west coast of Florida. It’s location and degree offerings attract many students. In almost every competitive environment, students make mistakes. Academic integrity violations like cheating and plagiarism are taken seriously at FGCU. What should a student do if they are accused of a student code of conduct violation? Read on for the answer from a FGCU student defense attorney.

What does Florida Gulf Coast University consider an academic honor code violation?

Under the Student Code of Conduct, some academic integrity violations at FGCU include:

  • Submitting work of another
  • Using unauthorized assistance or unauthorized sources
  • Using tests of other academic material to gain an academic advantage
  • Engaging in behavior prohibited by the course syllabus or instructor
  • Submitting your own work without approval
  • Doing work for another student
  • Using intellectual property without consent
  • Falsification of work
  • Plagiarism

What happens if an FGCU student is accused of one of the above academic integrity violations?

In the student code of conduct, FGCU has an outlined step-by-step process to charging students with conduct violations. They consider the students history of violations. If it is a student’s first offense, FGCU allows the faculty to decide the punishment which can include up to failing the class. If it is not the first violation for a student, then it is automatically must be referred to a committee hearing.

What if I did not commit the academic integrity violation I am accused of?

If you did not do what you are accused of or even if you may have made a mistake, you can challenge the disciplinary sanction. Even for students accused of a first violation, you can defend yourself in front of an academic integrity committee hearing.

What happens if I go in front of an academic integrity committee?

The committee will hear the professors side of the story and you will have your chance to present you defense. You may also bring witnesses, present documents, and utilize other defense strategies to make the best presentation possible.

What happens if I lose my academic committee hearing?

You can appeal to the Vice President for Student Affairs. There is a separate procedure and guidelines that a student appeal must follow.

Can an FGCU student hire a lawyer to help with defend the academic integrity violation?

Yes. The university specifically allows the help of an advisor who is also a lawyer. The role that the advisor takes on depends on the integrity violation. I have helped countless students through the academic integrity process. Utilizing my decades of experience and unique knowledge of student defense can increase your chance of success.In my experience, FGCU takes student conduct violations very seriously and its academic integrity process tends to be very combative. Having an advocate assist you, especially one that is an attorney, is recommended.

Protect your education and future.

Richard Asselta is an award-winning lawyer who defends Florida Gulf Coast University students. Call today and start building your defense to avoid grade sanctions, suspension or even expulsion from FGCU. 855-338-5299 Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard on AVVO, an attorney review website.

