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Advice for fighting a school expulsion and referral to an alternative school.

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Did your child get in trouble at school and is now facing expulsion with a referral to an alternative school? Read on for advice from a lawyer for school expulsion.

What is expulsion from school?

School expulsion means that the student is no longer able to attend the zoned public school. The district is still responsible to for educating students but are not required to keep them in the mainstream school depending on the disciplinary infraction. Therefore, students who are expelled are referred to alternative schools.

What types of behaviors can get a student expelled from school?

Some behaviors that can lead to expulsion are:

  • Pulling a fire alarm or making a bomb threat
  • Making fake 911 calls
  • Possessing drugs, drug paraphernalia or alcohol
  • Using drugs or alcohol
  • Fighting
  • Making Threats
  • Bullying
  • Hazing
  • Starting a fire
  • Possessing Weapons

Can I fight the school expulsion and alternative school recommendation?

Yes. All schools have a hearing process for behaviors that lead to expulsion. The disciplinary hearing allows a parent and student to argue why expulsion should not happen.

Can I bring an attorney to a school expulsion or alternative school placement hearing?

Yes. I strongly suggest bringing a lawyer experienced with school expulsions. There is a lot riding on the outcome. Being expelled from school will remain on a child’s record forever and their school experience will be considerably changed. An expulsion will leave a permanent mark on a student’s transcripts. This may need to be disclosed when applying to other schools, colleges, and licensing boards.An experienced school expulsion attorney will defend your child’s rights and fight to protect their educational future. When I work with parents and students facing expulsion, I thoroughly review the record, gather documents, craft the best possible defense and attend the hearing to ensure the best possible results.

Make your defense the best it can be.

Click to read our post on Florida level IV offenses here and public school expulsions here. Richard Asselta is an award-winning attorney experienced with defending Florida school expulsions and alternative school referrals in K-12 grades. Call today for a free consultation and protect your child’s future. 855-338-5299Click hereto read what clients are saying about Richard on AVVO, an attorney review website.

