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Click To Read College Suspension Appeal Tips From An Appeal Lawyer For Students

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2018

College students make mistakes and can face suspension from school for several reasons. Cheating, plagiarism, and honor code violations like possession of drugs or making threats are a few. Students must be given the chance to defend themselves in a hearing before facing discipline. What happens if you lose the student conduct hearing? You need to appeal the decision. Read on for college suspension appeal tips from an appeal lawyer for students.

What is a college suspension appeal?

Students that are found responsible for an honor code violation can appeal the decision. Some university code of conduct violations that can be appealed are:

Cheating Accusations

  • Looking at another student’s test
  • Looking around the testing room
  • Using your phone during the exam
  • Bringing study materials into a test
  • Working on an assignment with another student

Plagiarism Accusations

  • Not citing sources
  • Using a friend’s assignment as your own
  • Having someone else write your paper or assignment
  • Submitting the same paper to two classes

Honor Code Violations

  • Possessing drugs
  • Having weapons (even BB guns) on campus
  • Drinking alcohol on school grounds
  • Displaying inappropriate or unacceptable behavior on campus
  • Acting unprofessional in a clinical or internship setting

Where can I find a good example of a college suspension appeal?

The formatting of each appeal is unique because each student faces a different set of issues that leads to a suspension from college. Generally speaking, students should follow a sequential format that clearly lays out each issue. Think of an outline but with more information in the headings and bullet points.

What should I argue in my academic appeal?

Students should make sure that they follow the appeal procedure specific to their university. The policy that deals with students appeals should have specific categories for what can be argued in an appeal. If you fail to argue the issues that fall into the outlined categories, your appeal will be denied without consideration.

What can a college suspension appeal lawyer do to help get students back in school?

Writing a college suspension appeal can be difficult for students. When faced with the prospect of being suspended for a semester or even an entire year, it can make objective thinking difficult. Often college suspension appeals written by students end up overemotional and fail to meet the standards put forth by the school. As college suspension appeal lawyer, I possess the specialized skills that not all lawyers have. I meticulously comb through the entire student record of that lead to the suspension, and spot for facts that fit the limited appeal categories. This task is not suited for everyone. Additionally, writing the appeal in a logical way takes an attorney with extensive appeal experience.

Can you help all college students that need a college suspension appeal?

Yes. I advise students all over the country facing suspension from college. Students should give serious consideration to working with a university appeal lawyer as this gives a student the best chance at a successful outcome.Richard Asselta is an award-winning lawyer who offers student appeal adviser services throughout the United States. He is experienced in defending all types of college issues including writing university suspension appeals. Call Asselta Law today for a free consultation and protect your future. 754-701-7014 Click here to read what clients are saying about Richard Asselta on AVVO, a lawyer review website.

